Corporate Apparel - A Critical Aspect of Brand Building
It's hard to understate the importance of a company's brand, but at the same time it can be hard to define what a brand is. Is it a logo? Is it a company's reputation? Is it a manifestation of owner and worker pride in the firm? Is it the company's products? The truth is, it's all of these and the complexity and importance of branding is the reasons companies spend so much time and money getting it right.
Product development, quality control, marketing and advertising, worker incentivization, third party partnerships and more go into building a company's brand. All are a continuous challenge that is never completely settled. To make it more complex, the way that companies reach their customers is always changing. Gone are the days when owners could count on a large TV advertising budget to reach consumers or a hometown retailer could count on having a reliable base of customers in its community. The internet has shaken everything up with social media and digital advertising and that has become a cornerstone of marketing. This direct-to-consumer selling is reshaping the way consumers shop for goods.
One thing that hasn't changed is that consumers trust the word of people they know. According to Neilsen, a consumer research firm, 92% of consumers trust the word of families and friends on products and services -- the highest of all forms of advertising. As the world becomes ever more complex, and consumers are subject to torrents of information, they may rely more than ever on people they trust to inform their purchase decisions.
One important way of reaching potential customers in this environment is corporate apparel. Your logo, worn by your workers, families and friends' spreads awareness of your company into their social circles and sends the message that they believe in your product. This makes corporate apparel an integral part of a holistic marketing and brand building strategy. It won't build out your brand on its own, to be sure, but it's a box you don't want to leave unchecked.
If you're in the market for quality, American-made custom corporate apparel, send us a note to or We'd love to help.