Supply Chain Disruptions Continue to Hit Apparel Industry
The easing of the pandemic in the United States has ushered in strong economic conditions, and a buoyant consumer market, including for apparel. However, supply chain disruptions have been a consistent stumbling block for many sectors of the economy, including the fashion industry. A Covid surge in Southeast Asia has forced a hard lockdown in Bangladesh this week -- a major center of apparel manufacturing -- bringing home the fact that while conditions have improved, the pandemic continues to take a human and economic toll.
American Fashion Network, and our brand Simply Threads, have worked diligently to create durable, diverse and reliable supply chains to ensure that our customers can keep moving forward during this strong market. Our American-made manufacturing network is ready to meet your company's needs.
We are a proud woman-owned business with an impeccable track record of serving our clients. Let us know how we can help you meet your business needs during this time of strong demand and shaky supply. We are confident that we can help.​